Northern Ireland, Wills and Administrations
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Northern Ireland, Wills and Administrations
488 102 záznamů
This collection contains will and administration records from various Dioceses of The Church of Ireland in Northern Ireland until 1857, and from civil registers from 1858. The vast majority of records date between 1621 and 1965, and typically include the name of the deceased, the date and place when the will was signed, probated or administered by letter or by bond, and the date of death.<br><br>From the late 17th century until 1857 the Church of Ireland (then the State Church) was accountable for testamentary administration. An estate was administered based on if the deceased had made a will, the value of the property they owned, and whether their property was located in more than one diocese. The records in this collection originated from the following Church of Ireland Dioceses: Diocese of Armagh, Diocese of Clogher, Diocese of Connor, Diocese of Derry, Diocese of Down, Diocese of Dromore and The Diocese of Kilmore. After this point, responsibility for the administration of probate in Northern Ireland was transferred to the state.<br> <br><br>This collection contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v3.0.
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Ukázkový záznam
George SigersonWill: Belfast, Antrim, Ireland
George Sigerson was an Irish physician, scientist, writer, politician and poet. He was a leading light in the Irish Literary Revival of the late 19th century in Ireland.